Native Australian Essential Oils
Tea Tree Oil
Melaleuca Alternifolia. Tea tree bushes are steam distilled to produce this extremely useful essential oil.
Kunzea Oil
Kunzea Obovata. Kunzea Essential oil is made by steam distilling leaves and green branches of Kunzea bushes.
Lemon Myrtle Oil
Backhousia Citriodora. This lemony smelling essential oil is produced by steam distilling leaves and young stems of the tree.
Blue Cypress Oil
Callitris Intratropica. This blue tinted essential oil is produced from steam distillation of stems and branches of the blue cypress tree.
Manuka Oil
Leptospermum Scoparium. Freshly cut plant parts of Manuka, a flowering plant from New Zealand, are steam distilled for oil.
Rosalina Oil
Melaleuca Ericifolia. This Australian flower is an interesting ingredient in fragrances with its lavender and tea tree notes.
Eucalyptus Oil
Eucalyptus Radiata. Leaves and young branches of this native Australian tree are steam distilled to produce this very pleasant oil.
Buddhawood Oil
Eremophila Mitchellii. Also known as Native Desert Rosewood, Buddhawood Essential Oil is known for its mild, balsamic, woody and calming scent.
Nerolina Oil
Melaleuca Quinquenervia. Nerolina is a flowering plant in the tea tree family, and is native to swamps and water streams around the east coast of Australia.
Eucalyptus Blue Mallee
Eucalyptus Polybractea. This is one of the many native Australian eucalyptus varieties and is known for its characteristic eucalyptus aroma with spicy undertones.